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Dr Tamara Šimić

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Dr Tamara Šimić antiage
Dr Tamara Šimić
Laseri, estetska i antiage medicina
+ (381) 64-237-0707
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Dr Tamara Šimić

Dr Tamara Šimić je diplomirala 2017. godine na Fakultetu medicinskih nauka u Kragujevcu, sa prosečnom ocenom 8,15. Nakon odrađenog pripravničkog staža u Klinickom centru Srbije u Beogradu, značajno iskustvo stiče radom u Slovačkoj kao lekar opšte prakse. Nakon povratka u Srbiju usavršava se u primeni elektromagnetnih zračanja i lasera u estetskoj medicini. Značajne rezultate ostvaruje usavršavanjem u nutricionističkom studiju kod izdrade individualnog plana ishrane za svakog pojedinca.

Specialty Laseri, estetska i antiage medicina
Work Days Ponedeljak Utorak Sreda četvrtak Petak
Cellulite has been troubling me for years, even though I am in good shape and have been involved in sports for years. I couldn't get rid of it either in salons or at home, so I opted for a combination of mesotherapy with pressotherapy. The feeling is incredible! I have finally freed myself from the biggest complex on my body.
I struggled with 5-8 kilograms of excess weight for months. I couldn't shed it at the gym, despite being a regular. What really helped me was the Alma PrimeX treatment, which affected both fat deposits and skin tightening. I lost 10 cm from my waist in less than two months. I feel really good in my skin!
I visited the IMedic clinic six months after giving birth and said, "I need a quick solution for my stomach!" I underwent a combination of Emsculpt and PrimeX treatments and I am thrilled with the results I achieved in just one month. Diastasis and loose skin on the abdomen don't have to be a long-term problem!

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